How can I stop a step-parent adoption?
Question: How can she request that I proceed with this without having to first establish paternity? Do I need representation?
I'm the father of a two-year-old girl although paternity has yet to be established. The ex and I split up over a year ago and I haven't had any contact with my daughter since. Her mother and I aren't on good terms and she has since married another man and has now contacted me requesting that I provide my mailing address so as to send legal paperwork regarding step-parent adoption. We both live in Florida and are separated by about 110 miles.
Attorney Robert Elrod, Jr's Answer: The proper way forward is to immediately file a Paternity action in Jacksonville to have the court name you the father and to award you parental rights and timesharing as to the child. This will also have the effect of preempting her move to terminate your parental rights. Time is not on your side however and I would urge you to immediately take action. I will be happy to answer any other questions which you have about this matter.